
Scalar conducts training courses and consultations on improving firearm handling methods for military and commercial organizations, law enforcement agencies and government agencies. The coaches of the Scalar courses are highly qualified professionals who teach students responsible proficiency of many types of weapons and hone their shooting skills at various distances and in high-risk conditions so that they are confident in their safety.

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Scalar offers a basic and advanced pistol shooting course. Based on the theoretical foundations of safety techniques, the student learns the skill of handling a gun. After successful completion of the study, the student receives a certificate.


The Scalar rifle course is designed for highly qualified civilian, commercial, and government organizations and the military. The system includes the skills of shooting at static and dynamic targets using different types of rifles. Thanks to this course, security services, and the military can work out the possession of various weapons.


Scalar offers a basic and advanced carbine course. The course begins with the theoretical foundations and explanation of the basics of safety technology for fixing it on the simulator, as well as improving tactical techniques for using the skill of shooting in close, medium, and long-range combat.

Submachine Gun

The Scalar course "Submachine Gun" is designed to train qualified civilian, military, and law enforcement officers to handle a submachine gun. The course material will cover different types of weapons, options with an open and closed shutter, training in concealed carry and emergency response, and tactics of using weapons.

High-precision shooting

Scalar offers an in-depth course on improving the skills of high-precision sniper shooting. The system uses a variety of weapons to hone the craft of shooting at short, medium, and long distances to test equipment in various conditions at the customer's request. In addition to using weapons, the Scalar team teaches camouflage, reconnaissance, and the prevention and response of counter-sniper attacks.

Ownership and use of armor

Scalar helps you learn the basics of legally acquiring and using armor in your region and presents a course for a complete understanding of the principles of working with armor. The system includes an analysis of materials, firepower, and protection technologies to increase the effectiveness of decisions and behavior in a stressful situation.

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City survival skills

Surviving in a crowd or other conditions in an urban environment requires you to show specific skills. Scalar presents a course that will allow you to stay in an urban setting in any conditions: the ability to blend in with the crowd, search for water sources and water purification, search for shelter, food, protection and methods of protection, negotiations in riots, barter, and exchange in a stressful situation.

Survival in the wilderness

At Scalar, we provide our clients with the knowledge and confidence in their skills to ensure safety in any temperature, weather, and natural conditions, in conditions of limited resources for survival. Scalar approaches the problem of survival in the wild from a modern point of view, allowing an everyday person to adapt to the environment faster, use what is at hand, and cope with the task at hand.

Active threat response

Scalar Threat Response training enhances the ability of your staff to respond effectively to signals in the environment and improve the security provided for you and your customers. Active response to threats, as a course, consists of practical exercises that enhance the speed of reaction and decision-making in high-risk conditions, in situations as close to authentic as possible.

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)

The training program for the course was compiled on the basis of real operations of SWAT teams around the world, and allows you to train the created team to respond, organize inspection and special events using appropriate tactics to create a safe environment, including opening doors, detaining suspects and working to free hostages.

Protection of VIPs

The purpose of the course is to teach team tactics and prepare for work as an operational officer of the non-state security service. The Scalar course program is based on international standards of protection and practice, the experience of instructors and staff, and the tasks are based on actual events. The training base is based on step-by-step training and working out in conditions of increased risk and stress, including imitation of wounds for the most dangerous situations.

Protection, Attack, Antidiversion

The Scalar course focuses on the formation of the skill of preventing and responding to an attack by a well-armed enemy both to protect important persons and to protect the entire security system of an enterprise/institution of crucial importance. The course includes conducting combat operations in various extreme conditions based on the customer's needs.The Scalar course focuses on the formation of the skill of preventing and responding to an attack by a well-armed enemy both to protect important persons and to protect the entire security system of an enterprise/institution of crucial importance. The course includes conducting combat operations in various extreme conditions based on the customer's needs.