Mine Clearance

Step towards a safe world

Mines and other explosives are deadly long after the end of hostilities, which puts at risk the restoration of construction, logistics, and peaceful life in general. Today, active mines are present in more than 60 countries around the world. For the safe restoration of territories, Scalar professionally provides services for engineering survey, demining of terrain areas, buildings, and structures, as well as regions after local military conflicts. Collects and destroys unexploded artillery, shells, grenades, and other explosives.

Scalar's world-class specialists can work in areas with high terrorist activity and in combat areas when operational work is needed to clear the territories. Our specialists are highly qualified in EOD, mine clearance, elimination of consequences, and emergency medical care.

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Our full-service specialists detect, identify, extract and destroy all explosives, including improvised explosive devices (IEDs), in any territory. You need to check the region for the presence of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines or eliminate a possible threat underwater, and Scalar will provide you with highly qualified employees or train your staff in the rules of conduct when a threat is detected.

Scalar provides the services of a particular target group for working underwater. A separate unit is trained and equipped with the latest technologies for the detection, extraction, and cleaning of ports, water areas, and inspection of civilian ships.

Scalar can provide you with the right specialists to perform the task and train your staff in the algorithm of actions when interacting with explosives: rules of action for detection, competent evacuation from high-risk areas, and in conditions of possible direct contact with improvised explosive devices.

There is a ready-made proposal for state institutions and facilities to organize a training center for training specialists in mine clearance of territories from IEDs and improvised explosive devices.

In addition to personnel and training, Scalar is ready to provide the Customer with all the necessary technical solutions for mine clearance of various objects. We offer a full range of equipment: from metal detectors and related parts to radio-controlled mine clearance machines and engineering reconnaissance robots, with full training of your personnel in the competent operation of technologies.

Demining from explosive objects

Scalar specialists perform a full range of ground and underwater investigations for the presence of mines using the most reliable technologies for subsequent identification, isolation, and elimination of the threat.

Detonation operations

The possibility of controlled open detonation for the destruction of mines or explosive objects is one of the most accessible ways to destroy flammable objects physically. Highly qualified Scalar specialists will make this process as painless and environmentally friendly as possible for your facilities.

Disposal of ammunition and its components

The use of the latest technologies for the controlled disposal of ammunition, work with parts and fragments with the preparation of appropriate documentation to reduce the level of risk when working in this area.

Transportation and documentary support of explosive cargoes

Registration and transportation of dangerous explosive goods of different classes by any means of transport with the possibility of constant monitoring of the condition and location of the cargo using the latest sensor system.

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