Unmanned technologies have long been used in various industries and spheres of human activity. Drones of multiple types are used as part of the military-industrial complex to carry out tasks in defense and conflict interaction and in the civilian sector to modernize logistics and agricultural solutions.

Scalar offers a wide range of products and services for creating, training, testing, and maintaining a system customized to your needs, and provides not only UAVs but also ground and underwater drones, which are quickly incorporated into your business processes under the control of professional pilots.

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UAS platforms

The platform installation allows you to provide round-the-clock awareness of the situation at the facility or the observed territory. Increases the effectiveness of the decisions taken and the speed of response to changes of any type.

Pilot, operators, maintenance, coordinator personnel

Scalar form a team of professional pilots, operators and maintenance personnel of unmanned aerial vehicle systems for the needs of your organization, who are quickly introduced into the process and ensure that tasks are performed at the highest level. Scalаr allows you to delegate tasks to professionals to ensure your safety 24/7.

Ground support operations and tasks

Ground support systems ensure the adequate performance of many tasks, from terrain mapping to logistics operations in areas of particular danger to humans and demining. Scalar provides the necessary equipment, configured and trained for your needs.

Facility survey subsystem planning, logistics, and deployment

Scalar creates a convenient and precise system for using UAVs following your environment with a reduced logistics footprint, allowing you to ensure maximum mobility and complete inspection of designated surveillance objects.

Integration and analysis of data collection from drones

The use of WSN technologies for drones both for transmitting information from objects to the data processing centre and for servicing remote points allows both collecting information about moving and static objects and ensuring the operability of sensors remotely. The Scalar team is ready to deploy such a system anywhere in the world as soon as possible so that you can monitor massive territories around the clock without endangering personnel.

Testing and training of the UAV system

Testing UAV systems minimize the risk of non-compliance with the tasks and requirements, technical services, and equipment management. Scalar provides testing, and training services to help fulfill the tasks assigned to the UAV system effectively.

Protection against UAV

Scalar offers several solutions for creating and configuring a response system and physical and signal elimination of the threat of of military and commercial UAVs invasion into your domain.

Operation and maintenance of the UAV system

Scalar presents specialists and a training course to upkeep the efficiency and safety of operation with UAVs. Competent operation contains a pre-flight check-up, regular tests of the state of the motor and wing blades, and frequent replacement of necessary spare parts.

- The primary uses and duties of drones

Their primary objective for a while was military intelligence. Its tools made it possible to monitor enemy activity without endangering the lives or well-being of soldiers. The upgraded drones could execute strikes, intercept targets, obstruct radio communications, retransmit, and even transport supplies.

Applications for UAVs are expanding in all fields of human activity. For instance, UAVs with GPS navigation are employed in agriculture, making it simple to pollinate fields while consuming fewer resources and processing harvests with greater care.

- UAVs are implemented as well:

-to speed up the delivery of medical supplies and humanitarian relief to remote parts of the nation;
-to check pipelines, power lines and identify sectors that need repair;
-to track river congestion and traffic jams;
-to foresee emergencies and constantly watch for potentially dangerous places;

But there is another side to technological advancement in this area: using UAVs for terrorist and intelligence operations.
As a result, the fight against drones has become more severe and urgent.

- Types of UAV

According to the control method:


The operator's tasks include launching the device and preliminary introduction of flight parameters and functions. Such models are among the most affordable, as they do not require special arrangement and installation of a particular runway.


Drones with the provided flight path adjustment and status tracking from the information collection center on the ground.


Complete the task fully offline based on the tasks set in the command center.


Designed for cargo transportation and other logistic needs, field fertilization, scientific research, and hydro and meteorological observation.

Personal or recreational

Drones designed for entertainment like professional racing and games and amateur and promo video shooting.


Drones are specially designed for military purposes and during armed conflicts.

According to design configuration:


Characterized by high speed and increased launch range


Operating with more than two lift-generating rotors.


A smaller version of the conventional helicopter is usually used for military and rescue operations.


А multicopter and aircraft hybrid with the ability to switch between flight modes instantly.


Fixed-wing drones with or without an engine. Primarily used in intelligence.


A specific vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft that tilts horizontally for forwarding flight after takeoff and landing.

Tethered drones

The power supply and control commands are supplied to such a drone by wire.

Amphibious drones

Vehicles can dive into, take off from, and land on water.